Krisin had a great time at VBS this fact she said this year was the best ever! The theme was Egypt and the kids learned about Joseph, which I used as an opportunity to introduce K to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat...she LOVED it! Thursday night was Family Night, which was a blast. The kids dressed Egyptian style and Kristin thought she was the queen of Egypt! Here are a few pics that I took. I only took four...don't know what got into me! I tried uploading a short video I took, but Blogger was having issues with it..I'll try it later.
We wrote her name in heiroglyphics...
We have a busy, but fun, weekend planned. Tomorrow K and I are going to lunch and a movie. Not sure which movie, but probably Toy Story 3. I'd planned on spending the day working on the yard, but this morning a church member called asking if he could come mow the yard tomorrow! I can't begin to say how wonderful everyone at HABC has been. So, K and I are going to have a girls day. Who knows what all we will end up doing! On Sunday morning K and I are being introduced to the church as new members. Chris would be so proud. He was very excited about becoming a member of HABC. Then Sunday night the church is renting the pool at the aquatic center and having a cookout. So, we will go by there before heading off to see the firework display. Oh, Kristin won a 50 dollar gift certificate at the library for fireworks! We went tonight and loaded up. Everything was buy one get one free, or if you bought just one, then you got it at half price! And, it is legal now in Siloam to shoot fireworks! (But don't worry, Lynn...we'll save some to take to Mom's :) ) We don't have anything planned for Monday. I have the day off and I think we will just stay home and relax!
Hope everyone has a fun, safe and relaxing holiday weekend!
The 4th will mark four months since Chris passed away. Where have those months gone? Most of it has been a blur. K and I are doing ok. Some days are better than others. They would all be bad days without our awesome family, church family, and friends!