Apr 5, 2008


Nikki tagged me, so here are 7 random things about me:

1. When I am stressed out I like to cook and clean. But I like to clean unusual things when I'm stressed, for example, I will scrub the baseboards, organize kitchen cabinets, or clean the garage.

2. I am addicted to lip balm...I almost always have some carmex or lip gloss of some sort on hand. I am almost as bad with lotion. Since I wash my hands so much at work, I use tons of lotion to keep them from drying out.

3. I am as ADD as my child!! I cannot focus on much for a long amout of time, unless it's something I'm REALLY into. And I have so many unfinished projects at home and work that I have started and then gotten bored with and not finished. One I have GOT to finish is painting Kristin's bedroom furniture.

4. I have major foot issues. Unless it's little kid or baby feet, I don't want them near me. Also I don't want anyone else touching me feet. So, no pedicures for me!

5. If you haven't guessed by the first 4 things about me, I'm pretty OCD! I come by it honestly, though, it runs in the family!

6. I'm am scared of heights. It's weird though, I can ride roller coasters and stuff like that, but climbing on a step ladder freaks me out. I guess I'm scared of falling more than anything.

7. I love taking pictures.

Let's see...I tag Cassie and Alison

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