Nov 11, 2009


Yesterday afternoon the phone rang and I was fully expecting it to be our usual telemarketer afternoon calls, but was for Kristin. One of her friends from school was calling! In first grade??? She was calling to let Kristin know that she was coming to her party Saturday, but it was still funny. Really, what do you talk about in first grade? I asked Krsitin and she said "stuff." I guess I don't understand since when I was in first grade I was not social and was pretty shy. I know, hard to believe now, but yes, I WAS quiet and shy. I have no idea what happened... Anyhow, they talked for about 10 minutes until I told Krsitin it was time to get off the phone. I hope this is not a sign of things to come...

Tonight Kristin got her Sparks vest for Awana. She is SO proud. As soon as we got home I had to iron on her first badge that she got last week. I'm so thankful she's gotten involved in church activities and loves them as much as she does. Again, I think being social has something to do with it as well. Any place she can do some talking is good for her, be it church or the soccer field!

Tomorrow K turns SEVEN! I cannot believe it. We are having a party at Fun City on Saturday. So far most of her friends are sick or going to be gone, but there are a few coming and I know they will have a good time. Saturday will also be three years that Dad passed away...time sure flies....

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